This Is Me


I’m a freelance photographer based in Uganda and my work revolves around change, investigation, positive communication and love.

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication from Makerere University (2011-2016).

Born on 25th May 1990, I never dreamt of being a photographer before, because somehow my religion is strict with photos and photographers.

But when I started pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication, I realized that my classmates were very good at writing and fluent in English, neither of which I was good at. I found my life so hard and miserable that I needed to find something in which I could also stand out.

So one day one of my friends called Yusuf Butanda, who also doubled as my roommate, challenged me that in his Civil Engineering course everything was practical. He used to carry tools and don overalls when going to class which proved his point. As a way of defending my 4year course, I asked my dad to buy me a small camera to carry, which he did. Thanks dad.

In 2015, I started taking photos and from then I never looked back. I am a budding photographer at these early stages of my career. I work so much to seek and discover on my own how to get the pictures right, through peoples feedback on my Facebook page, Twitter, and blog concerning my work. I have no doubt that I’m getting there.

I always attend photography workshops, seminars and inquire from better photographers. From these I have gained the ability to visually tell people’s stories through photography.

My work has been published in almost all the major publications in Uganda: New Vision, Monitor, Observer and Red Pepper, among others, though none of these has ever paid me a penny for using my work.

Internationally, I’ve worked with a team of Journalists from Kenya on different projects. I am currently working with an online German website called JournAfrica.

Being a youth, I also report for Campus bee, Urban TV and Campus times (online news sites). My skills don’t lie in photography alone, but writing and acting in short films as well; for example I acted in Professor Joel on NTV Uganda.

I love learning, volunteering and traveling. My passion for photography comes from my belief that I was born to change lives through drawing pictures in light, belief in instincts and giving back to communities.